Think together

Don’t be fooled: Our team may consist mainly of young professionals, but that by no means excludes many years of experience. The interests of our employees are diverse and go beyond the classic areas such as software development, media informatics and interface design.

We are more than the sum of our employees, because we love what we do and you can see that in our projects.

Bild von Tom Micklich Bild von Tom Micklich

Tom Micklich

Executive Management,
Technical Management

Bild von Hannes Finke Bild von Hannes Finke

Hannes Finke

Executive management,
Project management

Bild von Stephan Schneider-Semmling

Stephan Schneider-Semmling

Leading artist

Bild von Peter Otto

Peter Otto

Lead developer

Bild von Till Schure

Till Schure

Senior Developer

Bild von Carsten Busold

Carsten Busold

Senior Developer

Bild von Igor Berkov

Igor Berkov

Senior 3D Modeller

Bild von Hannes Stolle

Hannes Stolle

Project Planning,
CG Specialist

Bild von Aron Schaub

Aron Schaub

Software development

Bild von Ludwig Wetzel

Ludwig Wetzel

Software development

Bild von Tobias Finger

Tobias Finger

Software development

Bild von Christiane Knoll

Christiane Knoll

Communication design

Bild von Marlene Naumann

Marlene Naumann

Project management

Bild von Yasar Sancar

Yasar Sancar

Immersive media designer

Bild von Nugget


Office Dog

Jobs and internships

Back again soon...

Unfortunately, we do not have any vacancies at the moment. As soon as we have new positions to fill, we will inform you here. We look forward to hearing from you!

Unsolicited application

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Dies hilft uns, Spam zu verhindern, vielen Dank.

Develop new, sustainable applications for the future together with us. LeFx offers you flexibility, an innovative environment and freedom. You are welcome to send us a speculative application by e-mail. Please simply use the contact form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

LeFx GmbH
August-Bebel-Str. 14
04275 Leipzig
P: +49 (0) 341 / 3081 0384
E: info@lefx.de

HRB 36209 AG Leipzig
Steuer-Nr.: 231 / 113 / 13806
GF: Hannes Finke / Tom Micklich